Sunday 22 March 2015

Session 7 - Caravan

We wake up in the morning to a bit of a commotion going on around the caravan.  Ameiko and Sandru are excitedly talking and making plans.  Once we all get up and about, Ameiko tells us that we gave her a lot to think about last night.  She's decided that she's really curious about learning her family's history, and she's planning to head up to Brinewall Castle to investigate the secret third vault mentioned in her grandfather's letter.

Ameiko has recruited some of her friends to come with her on her journey.  So far, there group consists of Ameiko Kaijitsu herself, Sandru Vhiski, Shaleleu Andosana, and Koya Mvashti.

Sandru has kindly agreed to lend her the use of his caravan to travel up to Brinewall Castle.  Ameiko tells us that they were originally planning to hire a few people from town to travel with them as protection, but after seeing how we handled ourselves with the goblins, she thought maybe we'd be willing to travel with her.

She explains that she's going to put 2000g of her own money into the caravan to help get it ready for the journey with the larger crew.  And she's willing to pay us 500g because she knows this could potentially be dangerous, and we might need to get some equipment for ourselves to get ready for the trip as well.

We talk it over briefly and decide that we're up for some adventure.  Ameiko is quite pleased.  She says it will take 3 or 4 days to stock up on supplies and get the necessary repairs made to the caravan.  In that time we should get ourselves ready as well.

We spend a few days bumming around town.  Sell some of the loot that we found in the marsh, and pick up some new gear.  We spend some time drinking at the local haunts.  One evening, we pay a visit to The Hagfish, a local tavern known for the slimy hagfish behind the bar named Norah.  There's a standing wager that anyone who can stomach a whole glass of the slime, wins a bag of coins behind the bar.  Shadow has a few drinks and decides to take the challenge and is successful!  Much partying ensues.

Another couple days pass and Ameiko lets us know that the caravan will be heading out in the morning.  We spend that night at the caravan and we all leave in the morning.

The caravan itself now consists of 2 covered wagons, a fortune teller's wagon, and a supply wagon.  Once everyone is aboard, we set off towards Brinewall Castle.

Our first stop is in Galduria, which is around 3 days travel to the North of Sandpoint.  The three days of travel pass uneventfully.

As we make the final approach into town, we pass another caravan heading South towards Sandpoint.  They've just come from Riddleport, a notorious pirate city further North.  We ask them some questions, and they say that yes, it's generally pretty sketchy, but that if you have some guards, you can typically find some pretty good deals in the city.  They give us some tips about some ogres they passed between Riddleport and Galduria, and how they figure we would best avoid them, and then head on their way.

We pull into Galduria.  It's mainly a small fishing town.  Ameiko heads into town to restock some supplies for the caravan.  We find out that Galduria does have one particularly interesting building, it's the Twilight Academy.  It's a mage's training Academy.  It was founded out here to try to avoid the influence of Magnimar and Korvosa.  Shadow decides to head over and see what's going on at the Academy.  As she approaches, one of the walls rocks with an explosion and bits of wall fly everywhere.

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