Sunday 11 January 2015

Session 5 - Whispering Shrike

After defeating the amoeba, we head down another corridor.  The cave widens out slightly into a larger sort of cavern with a pool of water on one side.  Lying around the water are a bunch of human skeletons wearing Tien style armor.  We notice that there's footprints on the floor of the cave, and each set of prints seems to end around a skeleton.  Shadow approaches one of the skeletons and starts to take the armor off of it.  While she's doing that, Qunna starts to put one of the skeletons in a net, so that we can attempt to get some information from it if they come to life like the ones near the Kaijitsu Blossom did.  Sure enough, as Qunna's netting one, they all start to come to life and attack us.

Qunna does manage to net one of them during combat, but all it really does is scream and clack it's jaws at us, so we knock it out.  Armed with the knowledge that blunt weapons hurt skeletons more, we're a little more effective at knocking them out, although we've still got to make do with the weapons that we have.  Sula punches one apart, Shadow kills one with a shovel, Bukka bites one into pieces.

One of the skeletons in particular seems to be more important than the others.  He rises slightly after the first group, and starts giving commands to the remaining skeletons.  That makes things a little more difficult for us, but eventually we dispatch all the skeletons.

We investigate the head skeleton.  There were two interesting things that he was carrying, a bronze key, and a magical sword that's Tien in style.

We spend a bit of time investigating the sword, and we find a small mithral compartment in the hilt.  Once we manage to open it, we find that it contains a small rolled up letter dated from 25 years ago.

The most surprising thing about it is that the name signed to it is another Kaijitsu.  We're going to have to see what Ameiko might be able to tell us about this.

Further around the corner into the cavern, we find another ornate Tien looking chest.  It's locked.  We try the key from the lead skeleton, and it works!

The chest contains a few potions, a wand, more fireworks, some fancy jewellery, a stash of money, and some adventuring gear.

Looking around, we seem to have reached the extent of the cave.  There's no more tunnels or passages that we can see.  So we decide to gather up what we've found and row back to town to share some of our findings.

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