Sunday 26 October 2014

Session 2 - Brinestump Marsh

While Walthus fixes us a bit of lunch, we discuss our plans.  We figure it would be best to start by checking out the area where the smoke appeared prior to the goblins getting rowdy.  Then head up to the goblin camp.  We can track down old Megus once we're done with the goblins.

Walthus agrees to ferry us across the river in his boat.  Once he has us all across, he explains that in order to reach the smoke, we just need to follow the coastline.  He also gives us general directions on how to find the Licktoad village, and the Witch's Walk.  So we set off walking towards the direction of the smoke.

We eventually reach what appears to be the burned up remains of a sailing ship.  It's pretty destroyed to hard to say for sure, but it was pretty clearly a large ocean going vessel.  We do find the nameplate and we're able to discern that the name of the boat was "The Kaijitsu Star".  That's Ameiko's last name as well, which is an interesting tidbit.  We search it, but it's been pretty thoroughly looted and burned.

We take a look around, and we see some fairly old goblin footprints.  Looks like 4 distinct sets to us.  They head up the river, in the direction where we're pretty sure the goblin camp is.  So, we start following them.

Eventually, we reach what appears to be a big fence, about 10 feet tall.  Shadow climbs up and stealthily peeks her head out to take a look.  It's a series of buildings set about 5 feet up off the ground, connected by a series of catwalks.

There's no activity to be seen, but there does seem to be a pit with what looks like some burnt up bodies in it, and a pool of water with some disturbances in the dirt around it.

We take a quick walk around the fence and find an open gate.  From the gate, we can see better into both the pit and the pool of water.  The pit seems to be full of burned up goblin bodies.  The pool seems to have human sized bones littered into it.  The bones are very well cleaned, and there only seems to be enough here to account for a few people at most.

Shadow takes a quick lap of the camp sneakily staying under the catwalks.  Nothing seems to be happening, nobody seems to be there.  So we go in and have a look at the pit, aiming to find us some goblin ears for the bounty.  As we're starting to rummage, there's a shout and several goblins come running out of one of the buildings.

They're foul little creatures, but they seem to be pretty afraid, despite the fact that they're attacking us.  Qunna captures one in her net temporarily and asks it why it's so afraid.  It manages to string together "All will die!  The Empties are coming!  They'll kill everyone!"  We aren't sure what that means exactly, but he doesn't provide any other useful information.  As he's screaming, more goblins come out of another building.

All said and done, we gather 10 fresh goblin ears, and one goblin gets away and runs back into a building.  We then scavenge another 3 slightly charred ears from the pit.

So, knowing there's at least one more goblin mucking about, we take a look around.  One of the closest buildings is a guard tower about 5 feet taller than the remaining buildings, so Shadow sneaks up to have a look around.  She notices a goblin running along a catwalk towards the rear of the camp.

We decide that's not really a threat, so we take a quick look at the building the goblins initially came out of.  There's nothing valuable in there, it's mostly just a dirty goblin home with a bunch of filthly little beds.

Moving on, we find the burned up remains of an old building.  It doesn't seem to have been burned any time recently, and we aren't sure why it would have been.  We climb up onto the nearby catwalk and look into another building.  It's another goblin house, nothing remarkable and reasonably dirty.

The catwalk behind this house leads to a more fortified looking building.  Slightly bigger than the rest, and with strong looking doors.  We try them, but they seem to be barred from the inside.  Shadow remembers from her sneak about that there was a ladder that lead up to the rear of the building, so we go around back and have a look.  Sure enough, there's a very poorly hidden door.

We all go inside and find a very ornate looking chest.  We have a quick check for traps.   Nobody sees any, so we pop open the lid.

As the lid opens, it tips back and thuds against the nearby wall.  Suddenly, we hear a goblin voice shout out "What was that?!  Check the treasure!"  Then the door opens suddenly and we're in combat with goblins again.  One of these ones is more interesting than the others, he seems to be wearing a crown made of spikes, and he's holding a longbow.

As it turns out, one of the other goblins has fireworks, which he aims at us and sets off.  We manage to put the firework out, and exchange blows with the goblins for a while.  Eventually the only one who remains is the one in the crown, and Qunna finishes him off with a massive blow.  We take his stuff.

We surmise that this was the goblin chief, and we take his head so we can take it back for the Sheriff's bounty.

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